Women's Hoops Blog

Inane commentary on a game that deserves far better

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It Takes a Team, the education campaign for LGBT issues in sport is celebrating its third anniversary. Director Pat Griffin outlines some of their key accomplishments:
Disseminated education kits to: 700 NCAA member schools, 300 schools through the NCAA CHAMPS Life Skills curriculum for collegiate student-athletes and 640 individuals through Web site and phone inquiries

Successfully evaluated the It Takes A Team! education kit: College student-athletes' attitudes about lesbian, gay and bisexual teammates and coaches showed a significant positive change after viewing and discussing the It Takes A Team! video.

Collaborated with the Human Rights Campaign Coming Out project to organize a panel of gay and transgender former professional athletes - John Amaechi, Esera Tuaolo, Dave Kopay, Billy Bean, Terri O'Connell. The video of this event is posted on youtube.com.
If this is an issue that touches your heart (or your anger button), let it touch your wallet, too. ITAT is looking to raise money to support the distribution of education packages. You can donate here (use code DSITAT07).

Meanwhile, check out Pat's Blog, read about how the NCAA and Drexel try to tackle homophobia in sports, the discussion of the song Virginia sings after a touchdown ("We come from old Virginia, Where all is bright and gay." "NOT GAY!") or Swoopes' decision to come out.